TAWIRI has five research centres namely; Kingupira Wildlife Research Centre, Njiro Wildlife Research Centre, Western Wildlife Research Centre, Serengeti Wildlife research Centre and Southern Highlands Wildlife Research Centre. These research centres  are responsible for promoting and co-ordinating research within the centre in collaboration with Directorate of Research; undertaking research on projects approved by the Institute;  providing administrative back-up for researchers under the centre; evaluating and recommending to the Institute applications for first issue or renewal of research clearance;  playing a leading role in assessing research needs and possible funding sources; keeping an up to date inventory of wildlife research activities at the centre; establishing a mechanism for planning, monitoring, controlling and coordinating wildlife research at the centre; carrying out, and promoting the carrying out of, enquiries experiments and research in wildlife and in wildlife environment generally; facilitating and coordinating training of field practical students and volunteers at the centre; and providing quarterly, mid and annual performance report on research and administrative matters of the centre

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