Corporate Service

The Directorate of Corporate Services is one among two directorates of TAWIRI as reflected in the current organization structure which is entrusted with a responsibility of managing Human and Financial resources and planning and monitoring which provides a wide range of support to the Board of Directors, Management and employees. In the process of carrying out its functions, the Directorate is responsible for strategic planning, policy development and review and plays an interface role in the interactions between the Hospital, the Government, and other partners on administrative and human resource management issues. This Directorate comprise of three (3) sections namely; Finance and Accounts; Human Resource and Administration; and Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation.

The section is responsible for strategic planning, policy development and review and plays an interface role in the interactions between Directorates, Centers and other partners on administrative and human resource management It is organized as a strategic management function and contributes to the strategies in efficient and effective acquisition, development, and retention of human resources capable of achieving the Institute’s corporate vision, mission and objectives.

The section provides expertise on financial management and book-keeping services for the Institute by preparing various payments including salaries and statutory deductions; collection of revenues; prepare financial reports and other financial statements; and coordinate audit responses. Review accounting and financial regulations and a custodian of the Institute funds and information of the Institute accounts. Also ensure that the Institute is equipped with current and scientific financial management software

The section is responsible for coordinating preparations, implementations, monitoring and evaluations of plans and budgets of the Institute; coordinate preparations of strategic plans and Budget, carry out self-assessment and service delivery surveys; prepare periodical performance assessment reports; and integration of Institute plans and budgets into the Government budgeting processes.


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