Kingupira Wildlife Research Centre (KWRC) was established in 1969 with the name Miombo Research Centre (MRC) by the then Game Division under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism. The aim was to investigate the Miombo habitat and its fauna. Dr. Alan William Rodgers was among the first researchers to the centre that spearheaded research activities in the fauna and flora of the Miombo. Following the Act of the Parliament of United Republic of Tanzania no. 4 of 1980, Miombo Research Centre became part of the Serengeti Wildlife Research Institute (SWRI), a national wildlife research institute that was later named Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI) by the Parliament Act no. 10 of 1999. 

The Kingupira Wildlife Research Centre (KWRC) is located in Selous Game Reserve (SGR), about 300kilometers drive and 40minutes flight from Dar es Salaam city. SGR is part of the large Nyerere-Selous (formerly Mikumi-Selous) Ecosystem complex that is internationally recognised among world heritage sites (Nyerere National Park and SGR) and biodiversity hotspots (Udzungwa and Malundwe Mountain Blocks part of Eastern Arc Mountains). KWRC is positioned at 8°28’24.7″S and 38°32’39.4″E with an altitude of 135m above sea level. The Centre has one research station (Kihansi in Morogoro region) which is responsible for conservation of the once declared extinct in the wild Kihansi Spray Toad (Nectophrynoides asperginis), also oversees the long-term animal behaviour research project at Mikumi National Park

Mr. Samweli Mtoka

Centre Director

Research Projects

1. Human Elephant Conflict Project in southern Tanzania.

2. Kihansi Spray Toad Conservation Project.


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