Njiro Wildlife Research Centre

Njiro Wildlife Research Centre (NWRC) was established in 1973 by the government of Tanzania in collaboration with Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) for the purpose of doing research of bees and beekeeping.
NWRC is the sole Centre under Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI) responsible for research on bees and beekeeping in the country. NWRC is a Centre for appropriate technology and information on tropical bees and beekeeping. Njiro Wildlife Research Centre is located within Arusha municipality and is situated 5km South East of Arusha town on the slope of Njiro Hill. It utilizes part of a 23-hectare land in “Plot No. 213, Block A” out of which 70 percent is reserved as unique Acacia dominated forest where experimental honeybee colonies are maintained in 13 small apiaries.  Apart from the main apiary at Njiro, the Centre also has three field stations in different ecosystems; Mount Kilimanjaro (West Kilimanjaro) and Rift Valley (Magugu) and Miombo woodlands (Tabora Research Station).

Dr. Wilfred Marealle

 Centre Director 

Research Projects

  1. Distribution Map of Pollen and Honey Types in Tanzania
  2. Important Bee Plants for African Honeybees and Stingless Bees in Tanzania;
  3. The Effects of Parasitic Mites (Varroa species) on the Diversity, Abundance and Productivity of African Honey Bee (Apis mellifera scutellata) Colonies in Tanzania;
  4. The Promotion of Starter Honeybee Colonies Production Using Bee Breeding Techniques (Queen Rearing) in the Beekeeping Sector in Tanzania;
  5. Preparation of Beekeeping Research Master Plan;
  6. Urban forest conservation;
  7. Research for poverty reduction;
  8. Markets and Marketing of bee products in Tanzania;
  9. Value addition on bee products

Our Services

  1. Consultancy services on bees and beekeeping
  2. Beekeeping training for individual and groups
  3. Manufacture and sell modern hives
  4. Selling both stinging and stingless honey
  5. Training on honeybees’ product value addition
  6. Selling of stingless bee colonies
  7. Removing bee swarms in buildings and other infrastructuret

Our Facilities

  1. A library with publications on beekeeping research in Tanzania and worldwide
  2. Workshop – a modern workshop that is used to innovate and construct hives
  3. Apiaries – NWRC runs three apiaries at Njiro, West Kilimanjaro and Magugu that are used for research and demonstration of modern beekeeping practices.


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