This project is funded by World Bank to the Government of Tanzania through the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism (MNRT). The REGROW project developed a research Agenda that is being implemented by TAWIRI in collaboration with other stakeholder institutions. Research activities conducted under this project include assessments of large, small mammals and birds population and distribution (RP1); assessment of vegetation and habitat dynamics (RP2); assessment of Human Wildlife Conflict (HWC) and Api-tourism potentials (RP3) and ecology of Giraffe Skin Disease (RP4). The project also implements procurement related activities which aim to support long term research activities, south of Tanzania namely the construction of Southern Highlands Wildlife Research Center (SHWRC) and the improvement of the Wildlife Database. Overall, the project has published 2 papers in international journals, 1 policy brief, 2 technical reports, 2 news letters, 1 educational documentary, and 1 training manual. Furthermore, the project continues with data collection and drafting of more reports, news letters and manuscripts for publication. The project managed to share preliminary research outputs at two stakeholder meetings and will conduct other meetings for sharing results with stakeholder. The project performance on several activities is as follows;


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